09 Sep

MPG PROJECT – Office Furniture

“Konceptness was the right partner in the reconversion of a former Cash & Carry into an office furniture factory and MPG’s company headquarters,” says João Guerreiro, general director of MPG.

In a situation of limited time opportunity, Konceptness collaborated with MPG to find out quickly and efficiently if the building was a viable option and if it met the requirements to develop this customer’s dream.

For the realization of this project Konceptness formed a multidisciplinary team, adjusted to the needs and legal issues, so that the customer could have their final solution. And as specialized technicians in the market, with more than 18 years of experience in the team, it was possible to give the best solution to MPG.

The whole project was centralized in Konceptness that guaranteed a complete service and a 360º approach in all areas: legalization, execution and follow-up.  A single interlocutor that allowed MPG to transmit greater tranquility and knowledge of the course that was being followed. A very close relationship where both companies had, at all times, the notion of all the steps that were taken in the project.

The service of Konceptness with MPG took care from A to Z of all the needs of the project with the guarantee of zero fines throughout the process.

A major factor in this project was Konceptness’ support in helping MPG decide if this was an investment that made sense and if it was an investment for the future. Right now MPG has a building that allows them to adjust their growth and business development for the next 25 years.

See the real testimony.