Structural Engineering

Structural engineering is a fundamental field for designing your building and achieving a robust structure that will withstand the various types of structural loads. After completing the architectural design, it is time to determine the best technical solution for the structure.

This technical stage requires an analysis of the architectural design, function, materials, requirements and applicable legal codes, in which we must consider protection against chemical agents, fire safety and other aspects. All these factors require analyzing various alternatives to find the most resistant, economical and sustainable solution, always compliant with the architectural design.

If you need to quickly and effectively obtain the best architectural and functional solutions that guarantee your new or existing building’s structural safety, stability and durability, Consult Konceptness!

Why choose the Konceptness Structural Engineering service?

Konceptness provides fundamental assistance for selecting the structure, whether it be in wood, metal, concrete, LSF (Light Steel Framing) or in another type of material.

  • We offer our clients creative solutions to optimize the use of their space/building and to maximize coordination across the board for the entire construction process, ranging from the design, structural drawings and bill of quantities to technical assistance at the worksite.
  • Our team, with its proven experience, is qualified to find the best solution for our client’s building according to its business activity, financial resources, safety and timings, all essential factors for a design’s success.
  • Selection of the materials that guarantee the best resistance properties under some conditions, such as fire or other adversities, safeguarding the life of its occupants and material goods therein.
  • Konceptness prepares structural designs that guarantee optimization in all specialized fields according to Eurocodes and applicable legislation, regardless of the structure’s size and utilization.

We provide Structural Engineering services for:

  • New buildings according to the architectural design.
  • A new structure that will support new loads and demands arising from the existing edifice’s new function.
  • Alteration of a building to meet new needs.
  • Compliance with the requirements of new regulations, safety codes or other requirements.

Our commitment to all our clients is to guarantee that their project is completed using the best structural solution and to ensure that the client fulfills his/her dream.

Structural Engineering specialties may include:

  • Design of Concrete Structures
  • Design of Wood Structures
  • Design of Steel Structures
  • Design for Structural Reinforcement
  • Light Steel Framing (LSF) Systems
  • Structural Consultancy and Analysis
  • Façade Retention Design

The stability design or design of concrete structures is the basis for defining the edifice’s entire structure and is used to size the structural parts that will sustain an edifice.

Foundations, slabs, pillars, beams or load-bearing masonry works are some of the dimensioned elements that may be part of the design of concrete structures.

Structures are calculated according to Eurocodes (series of European Standards) defining design requirements and sizing for the structural and geotechnical design of buildings and civil engineering works.

Konceptness designs concrete structures for any type of building by achieving compatibility between the various disciplines, excellence and the technical detail required by the respective design. This strategy guarantees an agile and regulated construction process that considers all variables that may influence the calculation.

When the Structural Eurocodes were implemented in the late 1980s in the form of European Standards, a growing interest emerged in using wood for building structures, a trend that gained momentum due to the visible use of wood in some large construction projects. Therefore, in recent years there has been greater demand for and applicability of wood structures due to their good aesthetic characteristics, resistance and ecological aspects.

Konceptness can help you to build wood structures, from the time the wood is prepared until implementation at the worksite, by managing the whole process according to Eurocode 5, which defines the principles and requirements of safety, maintenance and durability of wood structures.

With proven experience in this type of design and in using wood for structures previously designed for concrete or metal, our team performs a study of suitable structural solutions in wood (solid or laminated). If necessary, we also provide alternative geometries to optimize the structure and respective costs.

A steel structure is a construction system consisting of various sections of variable sizes that, when interconnected, create a resistant structure that will serve as the core of the edifice.

Steel structures have become increasingly more popular because steel provides greater freedom for more creative solutions in the architectural design. Steel is compatible with other materials ranging from the more conventional materials to prefabricated parts. Steel is also ideal for fast and practical execution processes and thus competitive prices.

Nevertheless, steel structures imply some requirements, namely protection against aggressive chemical agents, specialized labor and fire protection measures. That is, large temperature increases diminish steel’s resistance capacity and rigidity. It is therefore important to apply techniques and materials that guarantee better fire resistance properties to safeguard the lives of the building’s occupants and material goods therein.

Konceptness designs metal structures and cladding, guaranteeing optimized performance according to the specialized use, in compliance with Eurocodes and applicable legislation, regardless of size or utilization.

All infrastructures and buildings have a lifetime that presupposes regular inspections and maintenance to minimize their deterioration over time.

Lack of maintenance or other factors will imply a structural reinforcement project, for which new reinforcement elements will be sized and applied to the existing building’s structure.

That is, designs for structural reinforcement include: designs to reinforce an existing structure enabling it to withstand new loads; designs for recovering structures that are either damaged or with pathologies; foundation reinforcement designs; and designs to adapt pre-existing structures to applicable regulations, namely regarding seismic events.

Among other solutions, reinforcement designs may use metallic or reinforced concrete elements, shotcrete on walls, application of carbon fiber and injection of resins or grout, etc.

Konceptness assesses the best structural reinforcement solution, in accordance with applicable legal conditions, geographical and geological characteristics and the existing structures.

Konceptness also provides fundamental assistance for selecting the structure, whether it be wood, metal, concrete, LSF (Light Steel Framing) or other type of material.

Our structural consulting team has the expertise to find the best solution for our client’s building, according to the intended use, financial resources and timings, essential factors for a project’s success.

To preserve the traditional image of cities in accordance with legal regulations, rehabilitation of built heritage has become an indispensable part of a city’s policy, insofar as such a policy combines a city’s rehabilitation and revitalization goals.

What must be done when you have a building with historic or cultural value? Is it necessary to maintain the exterior façade and modify the inner part of the building or demolish part or all of it to build a structure suitable for its new needs or functions? Do you wish to renew your property to give it a new life and create an investment building/home space that is distinct or authentic and that will provide the highest return. Currently, the need to preserve existing façades has become increasingly more common!

How can Konceptness help?

At Konceptness we provide a façade retention service that guarantees preservation of the façade during a building’s rehabilitation. When retaining façades, the temporary structures support a building’s exterior or interior walls. As such, façade retention enables us to build a totally new structure of a building behind the existing façades.

  • Our team designs the metallic structures to contain façades according to the methods and types of retention to be used.
  • At Konceptness we believe in the importance of applying techniques and materials that guarantee the best properties for this type of structure for better support and preservation of exterior façades or interior walls.
  • Konceptness designs projects of metallic structures for façade retention, guaranteeing optimization to suit the respective disciplines, in accordance with Eurocodes and applicable laws, regardless of their size and utilization. We provide a fast and practical execution process at competitive prices.