Fire Safety Design

Fire Safety Designs for Buildings specify active and passive measures applicable to an establishment’s Fire Safety, namely:

  • Detection, alarm and alert; 
  • Fire extinguishing; 
  • Safety signs; 
  • Emergency safety lighting; 
  • Ventilation/smoke extraction.

The regulations are applicable to all buildings and enclosures, regardless of their use, and during their entire lifecycle. Buildings must be classified according to one or more of the 12 standard uses, with the exceptions mentioned in article no. 3 (2, 3 and 4) of RJ-SCIE (Fire Safety Legal Code), which subdivide each use into four fire risk categories according to the respective risk factors.

For Fire Safety Projects, we analyze exterior conditions and evacuation conditions. We also define the fire resistance of construction materials, reaction to fire of materials, technical installations and safety equipment and systems.

The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) ensures compliance with regulations on fire safety in buildings, for which it accredits entities to audit and inspect the approved fire safety conditions and execution of self-protection measures.

Konceptness can help you to prepare these types of projects, from the 1st to the 4th risk category, and follows up the process until approval, in accordance with applicable legislation.

Legislation applicable to Fire Safety (Segurança Contra Incêndio em Edifícios – SCIE):

Fire Safety Design
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