Project Management Services

Project management entails applying know-how, techniques, skills and tools for erection and construction purposes. Planning, execution and observing the development of your project involves various specialized fields working in coordination to obtain the best result and to eliminate potential delays and costs.

Through project management services, Konceptness guarantees to manage the process of completing your building/space taking the following considerations into account: Quality, Safety, Cost and Deadline. That is why it is necessary to create realistic planning that will be a reference for all the respective activities.

Why is Project Management an essential service for fulfilling your dream?

At the crucial moment when projects are ready for the works stage, they are subject to:

  • Various specialized fields participating in the works, which may lead to conflicts!
  • Material or equipment delivery delays!
  • The need to follow up the quality of the stipulated work!
  • The need to apply safety or other regulations!

Managing all these aspects is truly a challenge! Without Project Management, the work would become incredibly disorganized! Resulting in lost time and, consequently, wasted money!

Konceptness is always by your side. We offer an integrated project management service and, through our team with proven experience, we guarantee to streamline the process and provide the ideal conditions to complete a building/space, in which you have invested. We ensure top quality, shorter delivery deadlines and lower costs to help clients achieve their goals.

What are the Project Management Services of Konceptness?

  • Project revision;
  • Planning;
  • Project execution;
  • Works supervision;
  • Measurements;
  • Tender specifications;
  • Final construction drawings;
  • Final Construction documentation.

Konceptness organizes the necessary resources to carry out and manage your project. We bring your planning to life through extensive expertise that enables us to combine principles, techniques and tools used to prepare the project. This approach also enables us to control, monitor and evaluate the projects and/or works in progress.